Here are a few examples of my own personal projects which may be found on my GitHub. The markdown (found in the github) for each project gives a concise rundown on how the algorithm works.
The Unity game I developed has been uploaded to if you would like to try it out. Play Rocket Project Boost!
Hello, my name is Imran Ilyas. I recently graduated from UC Berkeley in August of 2020. Following my undergraduate studies, I interned remotely full-time with start-up Next Capital Tech. as a Software Developer. I worked primarily using Python and OpenCV along with some Unity and C#. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to explain exactly what I worked on and accomplished because of the NDA that I signed. The internship concluded on January 31st, 2021. I elected to not re-sign as one of their Full-Time Software Developers to explore the market and sharpen my own skills.
Currently, I have been taking courses with Revature to better my Web Development skills. However, I enjoy problem-solving the most. My first Computer Science undergraduate course was Problem-Solving/Problem Design with C++. Since then, I have been grinding to become a Software Developer/Engineer. One of these days, I'd like to try my hand at game design, but that's for another time.
If you would like to connect with me, you may reach me through my contact below or through LinkedIn.
Cell: (310) 402-4398
My preferred form of initial communication is through Email just because I feel I will be able get back to you sooner provided I miss your call. However, feel free to call if it is easier for you.